Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How to Write Fiction

Fiction books have always been extremely popular, and always will be. Everyone loves a good yarn, and books seem to be the perfect thing to take people places where they couldn’t have gone otherwise. If you have a great idea to write about, there is nothing stopping you. Anybody can write a novel. For some people it comes naturally and little to no revisions are needed. Some people need to rework sentences over and over to find the perfect phrasing. But with the right amount of work, anyone can produce a work of fiction. You just have to start somewhere and stick with it to the end.

If you have even thought about writing fiction in the past, then you probably have some sort of idea that has been floating around in your head. Often it just takes one idea to start writing a novel, and the rest of the ideas will follow afterwards in a grand outflow of words. But getting started can sometimes be a challenge. To get a novel begun, you only need one word, one sentence, one page. Take the idea that has been bouncing around in your head, and describe it as best as you can. If it is a setting, you will describe the area. If it is a device, you will describe its function.

From the description you have written, you will expand into more details about it. Who invented the object? Who is about to show up in the area? Think about these things, and continue writing. This is the key. Just continue writing, and expand on what you have written. Who is about to have a confrontation with the guy that just showed up in the area? These go on indefinitely, until you have finished your work of fiction. This is how all stories are made, even if the author does not consciously use the techniques. By assigning words to the thought process, you can speed up the natural process of writing.

So if you are interested in becoming a writer and producing some high quality fiction, you have to get started somewhere. Sometimes people expect to immediately have the words come to them and have beautiful stories flow out onto the page. This is almost completely impossible, unless you are a literary genius. Lots of hard work and determination will go in to producing a high quality book, and this will always hold true. If you really want to begin writing, you just need to start writing.

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